2 Timothy 2:15
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Worth Reading!
When have you felt the kiss of God's favor? Darlene Zschech describes the Kiss of Heaven as the sense of heaven touching earth, as if God himself kisses her on the head. In The Kiss of Heaven, you'll discover how you can experience God's favor as you seek His blessing and pursue the dream He has planted in your heart.
As member of the body of Christ and the ECFB Youth we will strive to consistently live out the purposes for which God has called us, in Mission, finding joy in ministering to others, our families, in our community and beyond our boarders.
That every member of the youth shall be a disciple thoroughly equipped for every good work, enjoy a deep personal relationship with God, boldly seizing every opportunity to serve and share Jesus.
1.Bible Study (Come Thirsty) every Sunday at 2pm conducted by Pastor Aldean
2. Praise and Worship Devotion every 6pm and Practice every 6:30pm (saturdays)
3. ELEVATE - Youth Worship Service every last sunday of the month @ 4PM
4. Badminton fellowship every wednesday after prayer meetings starts @ 9-11pm and every sundays 7-10pm
5. Once a month Highlighted/themed activities
6. Birthday celebrations
7. Coffee dates and dinner/lunch fellowships (Makati Young professionals)
8. Missions Class (Young Teens) every sudnay morning @ 8:30
9. Youth Sunday School every sunday morning @ 8:30
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